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How to grow Musa itinerans LOOKING FOR MUSA ITINERANS ‘BURMESE BLUE BANANA’? THEN CLICK HERE FOR THE ‘SEED OF EADEN’ SEED SHOP Amongst banana growing aficionados, Musa Itinerans is a species that doesn’t normally have its name bandied about in general conversation. However that should really change. Why? Well for two reasons, the first is that once established its hardiness is comparable to the bullet-proof Musa basjoo, and B because of the absolutely gorgeous colour of its juvenile fruits.  Commonly known as the Burmese blue banana, its native habitat actually stretches from China to the assam region of India, including; Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. Its cold hardy prowess comes from its ecological niche of high altitude forests between 200 and up to 1800 meters above sea level. Known as an important staple for wild Asian elephants Musa itinerans is increasingly under threat due to its jungle habitat being cleared for commercial agriculture. Musa itinera...


Can you grow a mandarin orange from seed? LOOKING FOR MANDARIN ORANGE OR OTHER RARE AND UNUSUAL SEEDS? THEN CKICK HERE FORTHE ‘SEEDS OF EADEN’ SEED SHOP Mandarin oranges are a seasonal, easy to peel, sweet tasting fruit usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. However, if while spitting out seeds you have thought to yourself…. ‘Could I grow a mandarin orange from seed?’ ..well the answer would be a resounding yes! Like most citrus fruits, mandarin orange seeds are relatively easy to both germinate and then cultivate. To begin, collect your Mandarin orange seeds and then wash of any fruit residue under tepid water as the residue will contain natural germination inhibitors. If you are using dried seed then allow to soak, again in tepid water for 12-24 hours. Mandarin orange seedsUsing 9cm pots filled with a good quality seed mix such as John Innes ‘Seed and Cutting’ plant one seed per pot just below the surface. If it is available then an Ericaceou...