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Showing posts with the label biiwsexytrainer only fans

How to grow bananas from seed without a day and night temperature heated...

Do you love the idea of growing banana plants from seed but don’t have the specialist equipment to do so? Well most of the regions of the world were bananas naturally grow are usually tropical or at best Mediterranean or for a few special species warm temperate. So if you live in a northern European climate it will be possible to grow maybe a handful of species at a pinch and will a little helping hand but growing them from seed, well how would that work? Well germinating bananas from seeds outside of their natural environment is a little bit of an art. You will need a heated propagator which can produce differing day and night temperatures. It sound more complicated than it is as you just need to connect it to a timer which switches off for 12 hours at a time. But how would you replicate the germination conditions without a heated propagator? That can be achieved by timing germination with your local seasons. To find out more check out our video above where everything will be explaine

Tropical Gardens UK - We bought even more exotic, cold hardy, tropical-effect plants!

 After the initial planting of our new exotic cold-hardy effect garden earlier on in the year we thought we would pop out and see if there was anything interesting in the local garden centres and nurseries which we could add to our collection. We wasn’t expecting there to be too much around but lorna manages to find a lot more than I was expecting her to. So in this video Lorna explains what she has picked up and will even try to pronounce some of the botanical names which is always good for a laugh! A few of my favourites were picked up including the Dasylirion longissimum – Mexican Grass Tree and the wonderful Sphaeropteris cooperi. If you would like to watch more content like this the why not consider supporting our YouTube channel but clicking onto the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button. It is absolutely free and that way you will never miss an episode.