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Showing posts with the label ashbovaxo tits

PNG Election: Candidates go to court to stop Wapenamanda Counting

The Sitting Member for Wapenamanda, Rimbink Pato and two other candidates are seeking interim orders from the National Court in Waigani to stop the counting of ballot boxes for the electorate in the province. Lawyer appearing on behalf of the plaintiffs, Nathan Pilamb made the application verbally as a matter of urgency. He submitted that word on the ground is that the Election Manager for Enga or the Returning Officer for Wapenamanda have brought the ballot boxes to the counting venue, in preparation for counting to begin this afternoon. Mr. Pilamb claims that this is despite a lawful directive from the Electoral Commissioner on July 19th, 2022 to transfer all the ballot boxes for Enga to Jiwaka Province, for scrutiny and counting, because of security reasons. Therefore, they are seeking interim injunctions to stop counting in the Province and for the Court to give effect to the Electoral Commissioner’s directive, to be complied with. Justice Joseph Yagi will make a ruling on this mat...

Bitcoin, RFID, Blockchain and the Cashless Society Agenda – CHAPTER[1.11]

If your were to ask: What can NSA and the banking Elite achieve with Bitcoin? Simple Answer → Global Control More than 2.5 billion adults do not have a bank account or use formal financial services. To bank the un-bank is one of the primary goals of cryptocurrencies. Electronic currency such as Bitcoin, will snatch away the right of even seeing or touching your true wealth. Thus moving the mankind towards a complete cashless society (They have already achieved it in Sweden ) for global domination and far greater control through microchips embedded in your mobile phones followed by biocompatible microchip implants such as NFC RFID chip under your skin. The biggest constraint in the path of NSA to track human activity is wireless money or cash. With a cashless society run by cryptocurrencies, NSA will literally get the “ eye of the god” that it has always sought to achieve. 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 ...