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Tropical Gardens UK: How to overwinter (winterize) Gunnera manicata - Gi...

Winter is here and a certain amount of cold management will need to be put in place for those plants which are not fully hardy in the UK. One such plant species are the magnificent Gunneras – in particular Gunnera manicata. In this video English horticulturist Simon explains a very simple method of how to protect the delicate crown which can easily be damaged by a hard frost. Now you may be able to get away without frost protection on large, established specimens in the milder regions of the UK, but be aware that young plants, or specimens planted in the north of the country can be killed off by sustained hard frosts! If you would like to see more content like this then why not consider subscribing to out YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free and by clicking onto the notification bell icon you will be notified when we publish a new video.