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I really woke up to the problem when I arrived at a beach in the Philippines (I wrote about this on our sister site ) where we found heaps and heaps of plastic brought in from the ocean by the waves. We decided to spend an hour every day collecting the plastic, did that for a week and ended up feeling like we didn’t make any difference really. I did some reading and realized; this phenomenon isn’t just about the Philippines… on our travels we have seen this in many other places, including S.E. Asia (Bali, Krabi). How Many Marine Animals Are Killed by Plastic Each Year? Well, that seems to be a hard question to answer accurately. There are estimates though, according to UNESCO : one million sea birds are killed by plastic each year; one hundred thousand marine mammal in general are killed every year; Industrialized humans have produced a LOT of plastic since the ’50s: more than eight million metric tons (half of which was manufactured in the last thirteen years) ...

Tropical Gardens UK: How to Plant and Grow Exotic Lilies from Bulbs

If you want to bring a tropical look to your exotic garden then why not plant and grow lily bulbs? They are inexpensive, readily available and easy to grow. Just make sure that they are in a sunny position (although they will tolerate partial sun) and a well-drained soil. Be aware that there are a huge variety of cultivars available from dwarf lilies up to 9 inches high to towering tree lilies which can easily achieve 5ft or taller. Whatever you choose make sure that they are planted deep enough so that the stems have enough support. Furthermore provide good drainage to ensure that your bulbs will survive and flower year after year. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel which has hundreds of gardening advise videos. It is completely free to subscribe and you can unsubscribe at anytime.