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Quinta Magnolia Gardens walk-through with horticultural commentary

The Portuguese island of Madeira, also known as the Garden Island – and for good reason, is a magnet for all those who are lovers of all things Horticultural. There are the tree main gardens that you really do not want to miss is you every come to visit : Monte palace tropical gardens Madeira Botanical gardens Palheiro Gardens However you you are staying on the island for a few days and want to looks at some other worthwhile hardens as well as walk amidst its colonial history then consider having a visit to Quinta magnolia gardens in the west of the Islands capitol Funchal, and only a ten minute walk away from Reid’s Palace hotel.. Formally an Edwardian pleasure garden and until more recently the British Country Club’, the facilities at Quinta Magnolia are now open to the public and the 40,000 square metres of mature trees, shrubs, flowers and lawns are now free to the public to visit and walk around. So if you are considering visiting Quinta magnolia and what to have ...

Tropical Gardens UK: Giant Arum Lily - Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Hercules...

This giant arum lily was an absolute surprise when we saw it at Wisley last year. So impressive was it that I had to buy one myself. The trouble is that very few nurseries were growing it but luckily I manage to pick up a specimen albeit a small one. Now there has been some issue regarding the name as mentioned in this video, plus I have been contacted by one of our viewers who states that Wisley does have it right and Champion plants who supplied the plant has it wrong. It is very difficult to say as nursery that introduced this plant is now calling both plants the same cultivar! Anyway, what is important is that this plant is and absolute eye-catcher and is listed as hardy down to -5 to -10 degree Celsius, which means that it will grow in large parts of the UK. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube Channel ‘Walking talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe at any time.