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PNG Superfund Opens New-look Member Service Centres

 The Papua New Guinea National Superannuation Fund, Nasfund, today welcomed two new-look Member  Service Centres to its branch network. The Waigani, and Port Moresby Member Service Centres were officially opened today, witnessed by Nasfund Directors, Executive Management, Staff, and members.  Speaking at the occasion, Nasfund Chief Executive Officer Ian Tarutia reaffirmed the Fund’s commitment to continually improving its service to members. “The Waigani Member Service Centre is our new flagship branch, as it provides members  with the full array of services that the Fund provides.  This new facility is the largest service center we have out of our 21 branches throughout the country.  It has 10 counters, two meeting rooms, and can accommodate over 70 members at any one time, which provides an environment that is comfortable and functional for our staff to work in and for members to be served.  The National Capital District, and Central Province constitutes the largest portion of our me...