Below are the progressive results for top five candidates for the Jiwaka Provincial and Opens Seats Updated : 5 /8/2022 JIWAKA REGIONAL Top five candidates Dr. William Tongamp PP : 29 422 Simon. T.Kaiwi IND : 28 908 Horim Piamia IND : 16 506 ————————————- JIMI OPEN Top five candidates MAI DOP PNC 5,037 FRANCIS KUNAI KINDE IND 4,128 WAKE GOI PP 3,672 KEVIN YEKERE KUMUNG APNG 2,492 FRED KANGE ALU IND 2,398 —————————- NORTH WAGHI OPEN Top five candidates (declared ) Benjamin Mul IND 21, 561 (Declared winner ) Dr. Fabian Pok URP 15, 614MOND PALME NA 5,812MALTS WAI PANGU 3,973PAUL HARE HANTS IND 3,239 ———————- ANGALIMP-SOUTH WAGHI OPEN Top five candidates (Declared) RUMAN JOE K KULI URP 45,352 (Declared ) JOHN KEROWA IND 6,577 MOLKA GIBSON KUM PNC 6,118 PAUL ANDAKU IND 5,325 PAUL KES KARAP IN...