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Namah wants Bible removed from PNG Parliament Chambers

Leader of PNG Party and Member for Vanimo-Green, Belden Namah wants the 400 year old King James version Bible taken out of the Parliament chambers. He has suggested the Bible be placed at the Grand Hall of Parliament. “Mr. Speaker, dispela haus em ples we yumi save debate. Yumi save debate na yumi save wokim kain kain toktok. Sampela toktok emi gutpela toktok. Sampela toktok em nogut toktok. Sampela toktok yumi bagarapim narapela brata, narapela memba. Yumi kolim yumi yet nem.” “Mi yet personally mi filim olsem, dispela tingting lo yumi allowim Bible lo Palamen, yumi mas reviewim. Mi lukim olsem Bible sindaon long hia, it can be a curse or a blessing,” said Mr. Namah. Mr. Namah is pushing for the Speaker to reconsider this decision and that Parliament discuss options available to change this.  Meantime, the Vanimo-Green MP further described the 2022 National Election as a ” total disaster.” He wants a review conducted immediately and actions taken to improve the next election. “I suppo

Final Edition Mini Clubman limited numbers

A final edition of the Mini Clubman is being produced in a limited number to mark the end of a model that was first launched in 1969, writes Brian Byrne. Adding a wagon to the iconic Mini two-door saloon of the time, it had split rear doors, a feature which was retained when the ‘modern’ Mini version was introduced in 2007. At that point it also got a rear-hinged single extra door so passengers could more easily access the rear seats. In 2015 the car got a further stretched wheelbase, allowing for two rear passenger doors. The Final Edition will be limited to 1,969 units globally, reflecting the model’s year of introduction. Just 100 of those will be RHD for the UK, and presumably the Irish, market. Just one specification — a Cooper S engine, ‘Exclusive’ trim, and choice of Black, White or Silver exterior paint colours. If you’re in the UK, you can pre-order one for £37,000 OTR. 

Review - Sizzling Sixteen by Janet Evanovich

Sizzling Sixteen (Stephanie Plum) St. Martin’s Press, 320p, Isbn-0312383304 I generally always look forward to getting a good laugh with a Plum book in my hand. But the last few ones (excluding 15 which I missed reading for some mysterious reason?! I’ll be reading and blogging it soon, btw, thanks to St.Martins who shot over a copy as soon as they realized I’d missed it – Thanks!!) barely coaxed a few smiles from me. However the long lasting effect of the initial books in this series (laugh out loud, rolling on the floor kind) are such that to date I pick up a Plum book with an anticipatory grin. Thank the good lord, this one does not disappoint – not entirely. Read more »