PNG Prime Minister and PANGU Party Leader, James Marape have warned the media to stay away from political and personal preferences. He says it was clear during the 2022 national election that certain media houses were taking sides with politicians and political parties and this does not reflect well on the media industry in PNG. PNG PM Marape The Prime Minister says the Government and PANGU Party appreciate the role of free media. However, he is urging the media to be fair in their reporting. Prime Minister Marape further says media in PNG had traditionally been among the strongest and most independent in the South Pacific, but media freedom had to some extent been eroded in recent years. He pointed out that freedoms of speech, the press, and information are guaranteed under Section 46 of the Constitution and it is something he is proud of. Mr. Marape also highlighted that journalists can be sued for defamation in civil cases. NBC News / PNG Today Next : PNG PM Marape Says Singapore ...