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PNG Politics : Governor General Invites Pangu Pati to Form Government

The Head of State Sir Bob Dadae this morning invited the ruling PANGU Pati to form Government in the 11th Parliament. PANGU Pati won the highest number of seats in the 2022 National Election with 36 declared so far. Sir Bob presented the Section 63 Letter to PANGU Pati General-Sectary Morris Tovebae at Government House in Port Moresby. The Vice Regal said according to Section 63 of the Organic Law on the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates, PANGU won the highest number of seats in this national election. The event was witnessed by Leader of PANGU Pati James Marape, his Deputy John Rosso and other members of the coalition. In his speech, Mr. Marape said every political party that took part in this election contested for this 63 Letter and its was a fair playing field. Meantime, the PANGU-led coalition at Loloata Island Resort has over 82 members with more expected to be declared. This morning’s event comes a day, before all members-elect for the 11th Parliament prepare to...

Acer griseum 'Paperbark Maple' - Information dump!

If you have even the most basic of horticultural training then you would probably been introduced to the wonderful Acer griseum -‘Paperbark Maple’. Native to central China it is considered to have one of the very best ornamental barks of any garden tree. Due to the price it isn’t often seen in the suburban garden but it is a favourite of many temperate public gardens. So if you are looking for a small tree that is as tough as nails and capable of surviving in a range of soil types and positions then Acer griseum has to be on your list. To find out more check out the video where English horticulturists Simon and Lorna discuss both the history and the merits of this wonderful species. If you would like to be notifies of our future videos then consider subscribing to our channel. It is absolutely free plus to will be notifies every time a new video is published.