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Power Grids Facing Risks Of Cyber Attacks

One of the most common things in a sci-fi movie, to date, has been the depiction of uncontrolled power outrages that can spread through a nation in no time. Nonetheless, today, the thin line between that fiction and this reality has been blurred and what earlier only seemed to be a concoction has recently been turned into a frightening reality. Citizens, who are part of the countries with eruptive dominion, stand a chance to be the worst victims of this phenomenon. The probability of civil unrest due to the political upheavals that have been making headlines recently is not distant in a country like Venezuela . The most shocking incident that took place in Venezuela was when the entire nation and its people went through a blackout for almost a week long’s time that occurred as a result of the episode that took place on its adjacent land. Among the numerous reasons attached to this suffering, what has turned out to be pivotal is the overburdening and failure of the principal power lines...