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Showing posts with the label jennigodoy2021

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro talks about her Saint Germain Series

CONGRATS TO LUCKY WINNER – MARIE! Readers, please join me welcoming Chelsea Quinn Yarbro , author of the popular Saint Germain series who’s guest blogging here today! If you have not read the series, Quinn Yarbro is well-known for her impeccable historical research and her Saint-Germain books are among her most popular works. This past summer, Quinn was a co-recipient of the Bram Stoker Lifetime Achievement Award from the Horror Writers Association. She was also the first woman to be named a Living Legend by the International Horror Guild (2006) and she is one of two women to be named a Grand Master of the World Horror Convention (2003). Her latest book is  Burning Shadows. More information can be found on . Saint Germain and a Star’s Entrance  In any long-running series about a single character, it is important to give that character a star’s entrance in every book — that is, a way of introducing the character to the reader in such a way ...

A Conversation with Deidre Knight (& Giveaway)

Readers, please join me welcoming Deidre Knight, author of Butterfly Tattoo who’s guest blogging here today! Who is Deidre Knight? She’s a lady who wears many caps – a literary agent, mom, wife, novelist and southern woman – and proud to answer to all of these titles. Before she founded The Knight Agency in 1996, Deidre worked behind the camera in movies and television. During the thirteen years since she launched her literary agency, she has grown The Knight Agency to national prominence, shepherding authors on to every major bestseller list. She has been writing in one form or another ever since, creatively stalking Spartans, aliens, werewolves, and other sexy Alpha males who strike her fancy. Strictly on the pages that she pens, of course. Butterfly Tattoo is Deidre’s seventh published book. You can follow her on Twitter and also at her Ning social networking group . Today, Deirdre is here to answer some questions we’ve all been dying to get the answer...