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Air Niugini Resumes Flights to Mt Hagen

Air Niugini has resumed flights to Kagamuga Airport, Mt Hagen this morning (Wednesday 13th July). The first flight departed just before 9am, this will be followed by another four flights throughout the day. Those passengers who were disrupted from yesterday will be accommodated on flights from today. The airline suspended services to Mt Hagen yesterday due to civil unrest. Air Niugini operates up to five flights to Kagamuga Airport daily. Next :  Another Member Of PNG Parliament Dies

SP PNG Hunters beat Western Clydesdales 20 - 10

 The PNG Hunters – and the weather – rained all over the Western Clydesdales’ parade, as the Hunters triumphed 20-10 in wet conditions at Clive Berghofer Stadium. It was a historic day in Toowoomba as the Clydesdales played their first game in Cup since 2006. Fullback Morea Morea was named the Hastings Deering player of the match [Photo by QRL Media] The new team certainly fought hard and showed plenty of resilience with two second half tries, but the Hunters came in to ruin the party, proving to be just too strong for the home team. Backrower Sherwin Tanabi was full of praise for the Hunters’ debutants in particular, after the club underwent a large turnover for 2023. Fullback Morea Morea was named the Hastings Deering player of the match, standing up for his side as the rain poured down for the majority of the match.  “It’s exciting … I really can’t express it because half of the team, they are new boys who came up from Digicel Cup,” Tanabi said. “All the boys, they were amazing. Mos...

How to Grow Free Tobacco Plant from Seeds

Growing free tobacco plants from seeds is arguably the easiest propagation you will ever experience. So viable and wanting to germinate are the seeds that you can literally shake a seed head over a damp bag of compost and they will grow – 100% guaranteed! This is the beauty of propagation, the ability to grow new plants for free instead of only being able to purchase the limited plants available in your local garden centre or super market. To find out more check out this video where English horticulturists Lorna and Simon go into detail on Nicotiana sylvestris. If you like content like this don’t forget to press the ‘LIKE’ and SUBSCRIBE’ buttons.

Tropical Gardens UK: Tree Fern Winter Maintenance - Dicksonia antarctica

Once we have completed our winter protection of Tree Ferns we tend to forget about them until the spring when we have to take it off again. Now, depending on the prevailing temperatures, weather and type of protection provided a certain amount of maintenance may be necessary – especially if the fronds are wrapped. In this video we discuss what can be done to make sure that come the spring, your tree ferns start the year in the best condition possible. This is so important, especially in years where there are unseasonably low temperatures or late springs otherwise your tree fern can struggle to get back to conditions and in extreme cases severely damage the plant. So by giving your tree ferns a head start you will have a luxurious canopy in no time! If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. You can support this channel by subscribing, it is absolutely free and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Vegetable Gardening UK: How To Grow Cucumber from Seed - The Best and Ea...

Given the right equipment and seeds this video covers the best and easiest way to grow cucumbers from seed. It is all about using quality F1 hybrid cucumber seeds, keeping all of the equipment clean and sterile, and sowing into sterilised compost. However perhaps the mosting important things are sowing at the right time and using a heated propagator. But there is a little more to this than initially seems at face value. Cucumbers are a tropical plant and when you are trying to grow them in the UK you have to manage the temperature requirements of this plant. Temperatures below 12 degrees Celsius can shock this plant into a conditions where it just refuses to grow. Any lower and cold damage can occur and you will easily lose your plant. There are of course cultivars available now which are more capable of surviving in the UK without the additional heat provided by a green house but you will never get the yields achieved by a quality cultivar in a green house. If you would like to see mo...