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Showing posts with the label carlaafornia nude

Tropical Gardens UK - We bought even more exotic, cold hardy, tropical-effect plants!

 After the initial planting of our new exotic cold-hardy effect garden earlier on in the year we thought we would pop out and see if there was anything interesting in the local garden centres and nurseries which we could add to our collection. We wasn’t expecting there to be too much around but lorna manages to find a lot more than I was expecting her to. So in this video Lorna explains what she has picked up and will even try to pronounce some of the botanical names which is always good for a laugh! A few of my favourites were picked up including the Dasylirion longissimum – Mexican Grass Tree and the wonderful Sphaeropteris cooperi. If you would like to watch more content like this the why not consider supporting our YouTube channel but clicking onto the ‘SUBSCRIBE’ button. It is absolutely free and that way you will never miss an episode.

Why Banking Elite Hates Gold Standard But Loves Fiat? – CHAPTER[1.3]

Because Gold can’t be corrupted (distorted, manipulated) or created (counterfeited). A monetary system based on Gold will bring economic stability through a free and fair market and just circulation of wealth. 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 The banking elite succeeded because they changed the very definition of money and convinced the public in believing that commerce depends “ more on psychology than physical attributes ”. In other words this wrong and bogus ideology laid the foundation to a corrupt monetary system. They are using the exact same logic this time to legalize the use of fiat digital currencies this time. Precious metals were replaced by tangible paper currency and this time it will be replaced by intangible electronic currency . Its funny when you see crypto-enthusiasts saying, no one can take Bitcoin away ! No one can stop bitcoin. Really? They need ...