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PNG Health Minister moves to adequately fund Medical Supplies and Drugs procurement

Funding of medical supplies and drug procurement will be among the priorities of the Papua New Guinea Health Minister’s 100 days plan. Dr. Lino Tom said he will ensure that medical supplies and drug procurement is adequately funded. In a Ministerial statement to Parliament yesterday, Dr. Lino Tom said drug procurement continues to be a big challenge, and he will work with the Health Department and development partners to explore options to improve drug procurement. He’s adamant to look at either strengthening the current drug procurement and supply management system or outsourcing to a reputable independent authority as a matter of priority, as recommended by the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee. “We have already commenced work on this. It is my plan and hope to ensure the right medicines are procured in the right quality, right quantity and delivered to the right place at the right time during my term in office.” “In doing so Mr. Speaker, my first p...