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8 Heritage Destinations you must visit in Madhya Pradesh

A holiday to Madhya Pradesh traditionally meant visiting one of its famous national parks and watching its tigers up close in the wild. After all, it is where ‘The Jungle Book’, Mowgli, Bhalu, Bagheera and Sher Khan were born. But, there is so much more to Madhya Pradesh than just its tigers and national parks. Owing to its unique location in the heart of the Indian subcontinent, it is home to a variety of cultural and heritage sites that can be considered as the pride of India. This central location has been allowing civilizations, kingdoms, dynasties, rulers, warriors, traders, armies and many more people to overlap for thousands of years and it is due to this exchange that you see some legendary heritage sites here. Some of them have been recognized by UNESCO as world heritage sites, while the others are sites of national importance. Here are 8 such heritage destinations that you must visit on your next trip to Madhya Pradesh. Each of these heritage destinations have had a rich past...

PNG Defense Minister Daki visits University of Goroka Following 7.6 Magnitude Earthquake

THE Papua New Guinea Minister for Defence MP Win Bakri Daki who is also responsible for Natural Disasters throughout the country visited the University of Goroka on Thursday to see first hand damages caused to it’s hall of residence following the recent 7.6  magnitude earthquake. Mr Daki acknowledged the University of Goroka Vice Chancellor Dr Teng Waninga for managing things well on the ground before relief assistance was given. He assured the UOG Management that the Marape-Rosso Government will work with them to assist where needed. Dr Teng Waninga in a meeting with the Minister for Defence said a total of K8m will be needed to secure an alternate accommodation for the 1500 students who have beeb directly displaced from their dormitories after damages to the halls of residence. Dr Waninga said the cost is for accommodation alone for the next 5 to 6 weeks before the academic year ends. UOG students grieve following the destruction on student residential halls by the 7.6 magnitude...

Book Excerpt - Children of Dust by Ali Eteraz

Children of Dust: A Memoir of Pakistan by Ali Eteraz Harper Collins, 352pp, Isbn-978-0061567087 Synopsis – Ali Eteraz’s Children of Dust is a spellbinding portrayal of a life that few Americans can imagine. From his schooling in a madrassa in Pakistan to his teenage years as a Muslim American in the Bible Belt, and back to Pakistan to find a pious Muslim wife, this lyrical, penetrating saga from a brilliant new literary voice captures the heart of our universal quest for identity. Astonishingly honest, darkly comic, and beautifully told, Children of Dust is an extraordinary adventure that reveals the diversity of Islamic beliefs, the vastness of the Pakistani diaspora, and the very human search for home. Chapter One My mother, Ammi, had just returned from Koh-e-Qaf, where women went when they were annoyed with their husbands. It was far up in the heavens, far beyond the world of men, above the astral planes of the jinns, and hidden even from the angels. Upon reaching Koh-e-Q...