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Showing posts with the label jhessy_bb2

PNG PM Marape Strongly Condemns Jacksons International Airport Saga

 PNG Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, MP has strongly condemned the National Airport Corporation (NAC) saga and has directed a full investigation into the sabotaging of Jacksons International Airport operations. The airport came to a complete stop in the morning of Saturday, November 12, 2022, when the airport security blocked off the airport – affecting daily operations of international and domestic flights. PM Marape directed the National Security Advisory Committee, in a National Security Council meeting the same day, to: • Take full carriage of the incident; • institute an independent investigation to ascertain exactly what had happened; and • Charge those involved in this incident. In a brief presented at the meeting, the incident had everything to do with the arrest of National Airport Corporation Managing-Director, Rex Kiponge.  PM Marape directed a full investigation into the mayhem and wants those involved to be charged forthwith. “I want a complete report on this gross negli

Tropical Gardens UK: Exotic Spring Garden Master Class - Arundel Castle ...

Most cold-hardy, tropical-effect, exotic gardens look pretty poor during the spring but there is one that arguably offers a spring master class in how to bring colour and lushness to an otherwise desolate time of year and that is Arundel castle gardens in West Sussex. Join us as we walk around arguably one of England’s least known, best exotic garden and check out the techniques, design queues and plant choices that the gardeners here have put in place for superb effect. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe immediately at any time. Don’t forget to to click onto the notification ‘bell’ icon. That way you will be notified whenever a new video is published.