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PNG IDEC official government website zero - rated: Pomaleu

The Papua New Guinea Inter-Departmental Election Committee’s (IDEC) official government website: including the Toll Free number, 1800 500 are now zero-rated on all mobile operators in the country and fully operational. IDEC Chairman and Secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council, Ivan Pomaleu expressed his gratitude to Vodafone, Digicel, and Telikom /Bemobile for continuously supporting the government during such a national event. The zero-rating now allows Papua New Guineans to access the website without any financial cost, especially without having data, to access the site. Mr Pomaleu is encouraging citizens to visit the website and obtain verified relevant contents  on the elections for their purpose, especially now, during this polling period. Mr Pomaleu added that the Toll Free Number 1800500 is also zero-rated, where Papua New Guineans can call in free of charge, on any issues relating to the election process. The Ca

PNG PM Marape Disappointed at 'Fake News ' about Mining and Petroleum Conference in Australia

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister  James Marape says it is very disappointing that foreign-owned media in the country continues to run “fake news”. He said this today (December 8, 2022) after an editorial in The National claimed that former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop had rubbished Papua New Guinea at the PNG Mining and Petroleum Conference in Sydney this week. “Nothing could be further from the truth,” PM Marape, who attended the Sydney conference on Monday, said. “The people of Australia and PNG demand an apology from The National for what seems to be a deliberate attempt to damage good relations between our two countries, “Even PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum President Anthony Smare, who organised the conference, is bewildered at where The National got this information from. “Such lies, propagated by foreign-owned media in PNG, will only damage the good relations between Australia and PNG that have existed long before they came in. “The 1000-plus people who packed the

Review - Any Man of Mine by Rachel Gibson

Any Man of Mine Avon, 373p, Isbn-0061579114 Synopsis – Autumn Haven [not a candle but a person!], as the single working mom, deals with the usual challenges that come with the territory as well as a reformed sexy ex who’s unexpectedly charmed his way into her home, bed and maybe even her heart. If only she could forget their turbulent past. Can she? Irresponsible, reckless and selfish hockey player Sam LeClaire knows more about partying and models than playing with his own son. When he comes across Autumn at a wedding years after their last disastrous meeting, Sam realizes he’s still very much attracted to his ex whereas Autumn has nothing but contempt for the man who left her pregnant after a quickie Vegas wedding and an even faster divorce. How it all gets resolved makes for an enjoyable read. In a nutshell, this story follows the usual formula of guy meets gal, instant attraction, hot sex, separation and then reconciliation which leads to the inevitable happy ending. Thus far, the