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Showing posts with the label detremia onlyfans

Vegan Philippines: Is It Hard to Be Vegan in the Philippines?

Veganism in the Philippines is an interesting topic. Ostensibly, the Philippines look like they’ll be an easy country to travel to as a vegan . But in reality, it’s super hard to find vegan food in the Philippines. Why is this? And more importantly, how can you conquer the Philippines as a vegan? Is It Easy to Be Vegan in the Philippines? On the surface it looks veganism in the Philippines will be easy: Firstly, with English being one of the official languages of the Philippines (the other one is Tagalog), many Filipinos speak English, and many of them speak impeccable English. There is much much less of a language barrier here compared to say  Japan , Thailand or even Italy Secondly, with Filipino cuisine (wrongly) not renowned as first-class, there’s less chance of vegans having that fear of missing out on the ‘must eats’ that they might have in other countries with more famous cuisines (like Japan, Thailand or Italy haha) Thirdly, the Philippines are a ...

PNG PM Marape slams Foreign Media

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has reminded foreign media that held perceptions against PNG about its lack of female representation in Parliament cannot be accepted as slow progress. Mr Marape responded to a question from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that despite the election of  Rufina Peter as Central Province Governor, it was still very low. He said it took Australia 40 years to elect the first female into the Australian Parliament and its federation. Australia had its federation in 1901 and the first female elected to Parliament was in 1943 when Dame Enid Lyons was elected to the House of Representatives and Dorothy Tangney was elected to the Senate. For PNG, Mr Marape said it took three years for women to be in Parliament and that is a statement that women were recognized as leaders in the matrilineal communities and in modern democracy his government will support females to enter Parliament through the normal election process. He said there will be no res...