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PNG Elections : NCD Polling Deferred to Friday 8th July

Polling for the National Capital District has been  further delayed to Friday 8th of July, 2022. NCD Election Manager Kila Ralai said the decision to defer was made because of interference in the administration process by the candidates and scrutineers in Moresby North East electorate. Polling in City of Port Moresby delayed until Friday 8th July  Ralai apologized to the voters and all the stakeholders involved but said this was done to maintain the integrity of the office of the Electoral Commission. He further said the process is more important than the date scheduled for elections. Ralai said they are ready to deliver the elections however however since the interferences are done by stakeholders of the election, they had to attend to them. Next :  PNG elections : PNG PM Marape’s Tari-Pori electorate Counting commences

PNG COffee Export Office Complex to be completed by September

The new Papua New Guinea coffee exports office complex currently being constructed in Lae, Morobe Province is expected to be completed in September 2022. This was announced during a meeting between the Coffee Industry Corporation Ltd (CICL) and representatives from the departments of National Planning and Monitoring and Treasury on Monday, 22 August, 2022.  CICL Chief Operations Officer Steven Tumae and his team met with the government department delegation this week in Lae to update them on the progress of construction and also to visit the construction site to see how the actual work was progressing.  Tumae said preliminary work on submissions and securing funding on the new office complex started in 2014. However, actual approval by the Governor General to have the advert out for bidding was done in 2018. Thereafter, things have progressed to where they are now.  The contract awarded to Haom Builders in 2020 was fully funded by the National Government at the cost of K10.6 million. T...

Deciding whether to Fly or Drive if you need to travel this year

We are rapidly approaching 2021’s fourth quarter. Traditionally, many individuals travel during the year’s last three months. Families like to get together during Thanksgiving and the Christmas and Hannukah holidays, and they’re coming up over the next few weeks. Last year saw significant travel declines during the fourth quarter. It’s not surprising since many individuals didn’t want to hit the road because of Covid-19 worries . Although the pandemic is still a reality this year, some families will want to travel and visit relatives when they were not willing to do so last year. If you’re going to visit relatives during these last few months of 2021, you might wonder whether flying or driving makes more sense for you. Let’s talk about some cons and pros of each of these options. Car and Truck Accident Possibilities If you’re planning on driving to visit relatives as the holidays approach, it can save you money, and that might be a huge determining factor for you. Some families have ha...

Fuchsia Gall Mite - What is KIlling my Fuchsia?

Fuchsias used to be a mainstay of the garden and why wouldn’t it be? Originating predominately from the tropical or subtropical regions of south America. For years Fuchsia used to be bullet proof with very little problems with pests and diseases but recently this has changed. If you are looking at your Fuchsias and wondering what on earth is all that hard, horrible cankerous growth then you are not alone. Sadly, gone are the days when fuchsia will look amazing and continue to flower until the first hard frost. Now they look stunted, sickly and full of distorted, shapeless lumps! So what is causing this scurge on one of our favourite garden plants and what can you do about it? Well it’s not good news as English horticulturists Simon explants just what Fuchsia gall mite is and what can be done about it. If you would like to see more content like this the why not support us by ‘SUBSCRIBING’ to our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolu...