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Australia! When I went in 2013 I was not vegan at all – I dined on kangaroo, crocodile and emu. Clearly, I needed some help when it came to helping you travel Australia vegan. So I brought in Montanna, Australian, vegan, awesome and one of the new Vegan Vs Travel writers: One thing that I was fairly constantly asked when I was in Europe last month was “what do Australians eat?” I found answering that question harder than the typical “what do vegans eat?”. I’ll admit that I think of food almost constantly. Delicious things I have eaten, delicious things I want to eat, delicious ways I could combine delicious foods to make them more delicious…you get the point. However, I struggled with this one; what do Australians eat? And furthermore, what do VEGAN Australians eat? Let us begin. 1. Vegan Australia: Traditional Australian food Considering the general lack of culture in Australia, it shouldn’t surprise you that we also lack traditional well, anything, but especially foods. Don’t get me

Vegan Vs Travel is Hiring!

VEGANS HIRED!!! Thank you for your applications <3   Hello Vegan Vs Travel readers, I have exciting news – Vegan Vs Travel is expanding and I am looking to hire four monthly writers. 1. Remote Vegan Jobs Are you: Interested in veganism and helping people become vegan and travel vegan? Do you want to be a professional blogger? You don’t have to say yes to both questions, neither are requirements, but I have a feeling this job will be most suited to someone who wants both. Vegan Vs Travel was created partly to incentivise myself to remain vegan, but mainly to help people become vegan and travel vegan. Put simply, it’s never been just about me and if I want to help as many people as possible, I need to create more content. Which is where you come in. Additionally, I’ve been a blogger for the past four years (my main blog is ) and as someone who is now in the position to be able to start hiring people I want to give back more – Hence my goal is to not only pay you

PNG removes all COVID-19 requirements for Air Travel

Papua New Guinea has removed all COVID-19 requirements for all air travel.   PNG airline Air Niugini  has  advised the travel public that PNG as of today(Thursday 06th October), has removed all Covid-19 restrictions associated with air travel. This includes the requirement to wear a mask whilst inside airport terminals, or wear a mask on an aircraft. It also removes the requirement that passengers travelling to PNG from overseas have to show evidence of having been vaccinated against Covid-19. Likewise whilst passengers travelling to Australia do not have to show evidence of having been vaccinated against Covid-19, many other international destination do still have restrictions in place and passengers are encouraged to check their international destinations to ensure they are compliant. Next :  PNG Finance and Tax Headquarters Locked out