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Showing posts with the label june kanok leaked

Australia Keen on Greater US Presence in the Pacific

Australia is keen on greater U.S presence in the pacific region according to Pat Conroy, the Australian Minister for International Development and the Pacific and also for Defence Industry.  Minister Conroy, who is on his fourth visit in PNG, says today he looks forward to forward to meeting with Pacific leaders in the side-lines of the dialogue and reemphasising Australia’s commitment to the prosperity and stability in the region. Australia Keen on Greater US Presence in the Pacific  Today he is attending a workshop program to reinforce Australia’s support for the Rugby League Voice Against Violence program which contributes to combatting domestic violence in PNG; and he also intends to meet up with Papua New Guinean aged care workers who will travel to Australia to take up employment under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme.  Minister Conroy also says recognising the importance of healthy reefs and oceans to the Pacific family, he is set to announce Australia’s $6.6 million...

HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS! We did the Monte Toboggan Run in Madeira

Hello there and welcome to another video from the ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’, however instead of our usually horticultural fare we thought we would show you something a little different. While we were checking out the various amazing gardens that Madeira has to offer we had the opportunity to take part in the Monte Toboggan Run. This was something I had wanted to do since I watched it on Blue peter as a child. So why don’t you join us as we step in to the rather rickety wooden frame of the taboggan and slide our way down to only halfway down to where we actually wanted to be! You can support this channel by ‘Subscribing’ and that way you will never miss the opportunity to watch another episode.