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Meet Nick Szabo: The Silent Genius Who Created Bitcoin – CHAPTER[1.6]

If you read the white paper released by Satoshi on 31st Oct 2008 to cryptography mailing list or his 575 forum posts at, you will observe that his written style has the flawless, fluent and idiomatic rhyme of a native English speaker . Which proves that, Satoshi was not Japanese at all but someone living among native English speakers. 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 Satoshi Nakamoto is for sure not Japanese but in fact of Hungarian descent and his true name is Nick Szabo . NaKamoto S A tOshi → NicK Sz A bO Note: How did Nick Szabo came up with this fictitious name and how is Nick related to Hal Finney. We will discuss later in this chapter. Keep reading as we unfold this mystery sequentially. Nick Szabo is a polymath and a genius in short. He is a computer scientist, legal scholar, and extra ordinary cryptographer. Nick is best known for his pioneering research in smart contracts and cryptocurrency. His revolutionary Smart