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10 Best Desktop SEO Software to Optimize Your Site

Whoever said you need to go to online services each time you want to look over at the Search Engine Optimization of your website? SEO is not a one-time process. Rather, it’s an on-going one, which might make going repeatedly online to different sites a drudging work. To make it easier, there are certain desktop SEO software that you can install right to your computer, and they will work in the background when you’re not interacting with them, hence making ordinary tasks SEO tasks easier for you. Here are the 10 best desktop SEO software to optimize your website. Web CEO Professional Suite Web CEO Professional is a complete Suite for webmasters, SEO professionals, and even search engine marketers. It integrates more than 12 different tools for SEO related tasks into a single workspace, From keyword research to building targetted traffic, and from finding a niche to performing site promotions on search engines, there’s a lot you can do with this powerful SEO Suite. Traf...

Managed vs. Unmanaged VPS Hosting - Which is Best For You?

Selecting a hosting plan is among the first steps you need to take when creating a website. A hosting plan is what allows your site to be viewed on the internet. The hosting provider you choose will store your site on their servers, and those servers will then display the necessary data to visitors. There are a variety of different hosting plans available. When you first get your site up and running, you will probably use a shared hosting plan. However, as your site grows and you begin receiving more visitors, you will need the capabilities of a virtual private server (VPS). A VPS hosting plan hosts your site on a server that has been segmented into several virtual servers. Each VPS is entirely separate from the rest of the virtual servers. Every virtual server has its own copy of the operating system, functions independently from the other servers, and has its own resources. With a VPS, you can quickly scale resources such as CPU, RAM, and disk space to accommodate increased traffic....