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  Fasciation on KniphofiaFasciatum on plants is not as uncommon as you might expect as it is generally overlooked or perhaps unseen within the overall density of a garden. One might say you can’t see the wood for the trees! (Apologies). Botanically speaking, fasciation is the  malformation of plant stems commonly manifested as enlargement and flattening as if several stems were fused. Any occurrence of fasciation may be due to several possible causes, including hormonal, genetic, bacterial, fungal, viral and environmental causes. Fasciation is not contagious, but in those instances where bacteria have caused fasciation it can be spread from infected plants to others from contact with wounds on infected plants and from water that carries the bacteria to other plants. This example of fasciation in the flower stem of a Kniphofia species is I believe the first I had seen and warranted an image being recorded for these who are interested in such things. I included a second stem from th...