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PM Marape To USE Apec 2022 to attract More investors into PNG

 Prime Minister Hon. James Marape says the APEC Family of Nations controls about 60 per cent of the world’s Gross Domestic Production (GDP), hence, Papua New Guinea is privileged to a member of APEC. He said this today (November 15, 2022) as he travels to Bangkok, Thailand, for APEC 2022, the first in-person APEC Economic Leaders’ Week (AELW) in four years since APEC 2018 in Port Moresby because of COVID-19.  PM Marape To USE Apec 2022 to attract More investors into PNG  “Members of APEC are the movers and shakers of the global economy at present,” PM Marape said. “This is especially with the robust market, especially in Asia, which has emerged and will be here for a long time to come. “Papua New Guinea’s relationship with APEC nations is crucial, and especially given that we already have strong bilateral relationships with many established economies including USA, the United Kingdom and European Union, and India. “We also have a strong relationship with ASEAN nations like Philippines,

Author Laurie Boris stops by...

Today I’m happy to welcome Laurie Boris, author of The Joke’s on Me, who’s guest blogging here today. Laurie Boris is an award-winning writer, former graphic designer, and closet stand-up comic. Her first novel, The Joke’s on Me is a story about family love and redemption as seen through the eyes of feisty former actress and stand-up comic Frankie Goldberg. Behind the Scenes of The Joke’s on Me Read more »

5 Different Bitcoin Forks: Which One Is The Digital Gold? – Chapter[2.4] R[14]

Bitcoin Is already a Victim of Civil War! When their is no central authority then only the law of jungle prevails. Where people split to form groups to rule their territories. The powerful forms (miners & developers) a monopoly and write new rules and laws, while the users ( bitcoin users ) have no role except to stand and watch as spectators and follow the whistle blower. 2.24 2.23 2.22 2.21 2.20 2.19 2.18 2.17 2.16 2.15 2.14 2.13 2.12 2.11 2.10 2.9 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.0 Bitcoin is no more a strong digital currency because just within a year or two, it has been divided into four parts known as Bitcoin Core (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BTH), Bitcoin Gold (BTG) and Super Bitcoin (SBTC). In 2018, yet another (4th) fork occurred called Bitcoin Private (BTCP). Announcement of a fifth fork by the name Bitcoin Prime is just few weeks away. In short the count of forking and civil war of words goes on… Surprisingly you no more have just 21 million bitcoins anymore a