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Showing posts with the label kyouka_nora

Wabag MP Dr.Lino Tom is New People's Party Leader

 PNG Health Minister and Wabag Open MP Dr Lino Tom is the new parliamentary leader for the People’s Party (PP). The party leadership was left vacant after former Jiwaka governor Dr.William Tongamp lost his seat. The People’s Party caucus unanimously appointed the second term Wabag Open MP to be the parliamentary leader. The announcement was made by People’s Party General Secretary Mr.Willie Palme this morning in Port Moresby. First term Talasea Open MP Freddie Kumai is the new deputy parliamentary leader. Veteran Enga governor Sir Peter Ipatas is the parliamentary founder of the People’s Party. FM100/ PNG Today Next :  Namah wants Bible removed from PNG Parliament Chambers

Acer griseum 'Paperbark Maple' - Information dump!

If you have even the most basic of horticultural training then you would probably been introduced to the wonderful Acer griseum -‘Paperbark Maple’. Native to central China it is considered to have one of the very best ornamental barks of any garden tree. Due to the price it isn’t often seen in the suburban garden but it is a favourite of many temperate public gardens. So if you are looking for a small tree that is as tough as nails and capable of surviving in a range of soil types and positions then Acer griseum has to be on your list. To find out more check out the video where English horticulturists Simon and Lorna discuss both the history and the merits of this wonderful species. If you would like to be notifies of our future videos then consider subscribing to our channel. It is absolutely free plus to will be notifies every time a new video is published.

AMP Blogger Templates - Advantages Vs. Disadvantages

Do you want to implement Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Blogger? Or you would like to know the advantages and serious disadvantages of creating an AMP Blogger Template ? If your answer is yes, then you have landed on the right page. Before making your site ready for AMP, please read why major companies have not yet adopted AMP. IMPORTANT:   All AMP Blogger Templates that you find online are not AMP at all! What are Mobile Accelerated Pages (AMP)? AMP HTML is an open source project by Google to provide mobile-optimized content that can load instantly everywhere. In short AMP makes your site load faster like a speeding bullet on smart phones but by sacrificing major portion of your advertisement revenue and third-party JavaScript. Google started this project as competition to Apple News App and Facebook Instant articles . FB instant articles is platform dependent, meaning your website get traffic from Facebook users alone and you can’t provide the same bullet speed to you...