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Showing posts with the label kajal agarwal picuki

Port Moresby Governor Parkop denies Allegations of Election bribery

National Capital District Governor, Powes Parkop, has denied allegations that he was carrying a substantial amount of money to buy votes on the eve of today’s polling in the nation’s Capital. Governor Parkop Mr Parkop was picked up by police yesterday evening at the 5 Mile roundabout when he was returning from Gereka after meeting with his campaign coordinators. Police found K25 000 in his car, and took him in for questioning at the Boroko Police Station for four hours, but later released him. Mr Parkop told reporters last night that he was not arrested but only asked to provide a statement of his routine of the day.  He says that these allegations by rival candidates in the 11th hour are a bad practice, and not befitting of a leader. Mr. Parkop said that the money will be used to pay for his 800 plus scrutineers. NBC / PNG Today Next :  SP PNG Hunters team for Round 14 match against Wynnum-Manly Seagulls

WannaCry Ransomware Attack Was Launched by N.S.A as Bitcoin Publicity Stunt – Chapter[2.19] R[33]

For consecutive 8 years from 2009 to 2016 , Bitcoin remained the currency of the Darknet community and the Elite’s for tax evasion. No one was well versed with how Bitcoin works, who was Satoshi Nakamoto and what exactly is the blockchain network. The discussion was limited to bitcoin forums and tech blogs but it was not a talk of the general public . Most of you might have never heard of Bitcoin before 2017 as much as you hear it today. It has become the discussion of almost everyone from your Uber driver to your youngsters. Almost everyone now talks about investing in bitcoin. People have started taking loans in order to invest in cryptocurrencies. 2.24 2.23 2.22 2.21 2.20 2.19 2.18 2.17 2.16 2.15 2.14 2.13 2.12 2.11 2.10 2.9 2.8 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.0 Before 2017, there was less public and media attention towards bitcoin. In order to take everyone by surprise and force the entire world to talk about bitcoin, bitcoin inventors needed something exceptional . What cou...