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PNG Election : Ross Seymour unseated in Huon Gulf

A second United Resources Party (URP) candidate has been declared for the Huon Gulf Seat in the Morobe Province. Jason Peter managed to poll 19, 585 votes to go past the absolute majority of 16, 629 votes, after the 28th elimination of Independent candidate John Kasu, who polled 6, 741 votes. This is about 2, 956 votes more than the absolute majority. His runner up was sitting MP and National Alliance candidate Ross Seymour, who only polled 14, 274 votes. Mr. Peter was escorted by his Party Leader and sitting Mount Hagen Open MP, William Duma, to sign his declaration, He is the second URP member to be declared after Koroba/Kopiago  member elect, William Bando. NBC / PNG Today Next :  PNG PM Marape meets Australian PM Albanese


Can you grow a mandarin orange from seed? LOOKING FOR MANDARIN ORANGE OR OTHER RARE AND UNUSUAL SEEDS? THEN CKICK HERE FORTHE ‘SEEDS OF EADEN’ SEED SHOP Mandarin oranges are a seasonal, easy to peel, sweet tasting fruit usually eaten plain or in fruit salads. However, if while spitting out seeds you have thought to yourself…. ‘Could I grow a mandarin orange from seed?’ ..well the answer would be a resounding yes! Like most citrus fruits, mandarin orange seeds are relatively easy to both germinate and then cultivate. To begin, collect your Mandarin orange seeds and then wash of any fruit residue under tepid water as the residue will contain natural germination inhibitors. If you are using dried seed then allow to soak, again in tepid water for 12-24 hours. Mandarin orange seedsUsing 9cm pots filled with a good quality seed mix such as John Innes ‘Seed and Cutting’ plant one seed per pot just below the surface. If it is available then an Ericaceou...

Convert Blog Readers To Listeners Via Trinity Audio Plugin For WordPress

Over the last two decades, the world has gone through dramatic technological changes, each day we see a new innovation making previous radical technologies obsolete and redundant. These new innovations have transformed the way the world connects with each other; the world is going virtual even as we speak. This is the digital age. While this worldwide connectivity is increasing, we need to adapt to it too to be more efficient. This rapid revolution has made the world a small global village where you are supposed to be quick, effective, and efficient and you have to get the job done in a limited time-frame . There is no room for errors and delays. One of the most popular developments in the field of tech is the Artificial Intelligence which started from Siri and this concept of a personal virtual assistant expanded to the likes of Cortana, Bixby, Alexa and Google Assistant which allow for many features that were considered science fiction in the early years. One of the many interestin...