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PNG PM to appoint quality Ministers

Papua New Guinea  Prime Minister  James Marape says he is not in a rush to make ministerial appointments after he was elected by an overwhelming 97-0 in Parliament last Tuesday (August 9 2022). He stated this  when giving an update on ministerial appointments. “We are not in a rush to make Cabinet appointments,” PM Marape said. “I want to first see who in our current Coalition are able persons to be entrusted with portfolios. “We want to ensure that whilst we satisfy our political obligations to all Coalition partners, the best persons must be appointed to various portfolios. “Also, as we review individual department and agency performances of the last three years, we want to also look at heads of departments and agencies so that we appoint experienced and capable people. “This is so that we hit the ground running so that we achieve the outcomes we desire.” PM Marape said one of the most-striking things about Papua New Guinea was that the Human Development Index (HDI) had not improved

BSP Closes Chuave and Mendi Branch Doors - Porgera Branch Remains Closed

  BSP Financial Group Limited (BSP) has been forced to shut the doors of four if its branches in the Highlands and Momase regions following security concerns, mostly related to the 2022 National General Elections.  Porgera branch in Enga, Koroba Hybrid Branch in Hela, Chuave Sub Branch in Simbu, and Kabwum and Mutzing Sub Branches in Morobe all remain closed.   The operations of BSP Mendi Branch in Southern Highlands has also been disrupted in the past week. BSP Group CEO, Robin Fleming upon confirming this said, BSP Sub Branches in Koroba, Kabwum, Mutzing, and just yesterday Chuave, have closed their doors due to security issues related to the 2022 National General Elections while, BSP Porgera branch was closed last month following tribal fighting in the Porgera valley. Fleming said, “We closed BSP Chuave Sub Branch yesterday after the office complex, which BSP operates from, was ransacked by supporters of losing candidates.  We also had to close BSP Mendi branch earlier this week due