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With veganism directly associated with a reduced risk of nine out of ten of the leading causes of death in the USA, certain companies like Clal Insurance are offering life and health insurance policies to vegans at a discounted rate. Yey. But when it comes to travel medical insurance , vegans might not be so lucky – being vegan won’t prevent you from breaking your back skiing; it won’t help your family get your body back home if you die abroad; and as much as we can hope being vegan gives us good karma – it won’t guarantee that there won’t be any flight cancellations. Put simply, vegans need travel medical insurance like everyone else. With many different travel medical insurance providers out there, the search may seem daunting. Don’t worry, I’m here to help: Vegan Travel Insurance: SafetyWing Review SafetyWing provides travel medical insurance for nomads all around the world at a very competitive rate (just $37 for four weeks). The company offers a mix of travel and medical coverage

Top 6 Accessories Every Scuba Diver Should Have

Are you a scuba diver looking for the most out of every dive? Whether this is your first time underwater or you’re an experienced pro, having the right accessories in tow can make a huge difference. From keeping track of depths to illuminating the darkness below, several items should be considered essential for any successful underwater expedition. This blog post will discuss our top 6 must-have accessories and explain why they are useful when diving beneath the surface. Discover which items made our list and how they can enhance your next dive! A Quality Dive Mask – Choose a comfortable and reliable dive mask When it comes to scuba diving, having a high-quality dive mask is essential. It allows you to see underwater, but it also protects your eyes and provides a comfortable fit that will enable you to focus on your surroundings. A reliable dive mask should have a sturdy frame, comfortable silicone skirt, and durable lenses that resist scratches and fogging. Additionally, it’s crucial


Travelling the world as a vegan can be difficult , especially in Europe, where many countries are predominantly populated by meat eaters. But with veganism on the rise lately, looking for vegan-friendly destinations for your next vacation packages in Europe is no longer that challenging, as more and more cities are catering to vegan travellers. Below, check out the best destinations in Europe for vegan food. #1. Crete, Greece Crete is the largest of all Greek islands, home to numerous restaurants serving delectable cuisines, including vegan-friendly fares. You will find something vegan to eat in almost every dining place in Crete, and menus have special marks telling you if a particular dish is vegan. Order the dolmadakia, a traditional dish of grape leaves stuffed with rice and herbs. You can also have a Greek vegan salad with potatoes on the side. Even fast-food joints in Crete have a vegan-friendly menu, such as vegan sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, and wraps. #2. Paris, France Plent

Review - The Crimson Rooms by Katharine McMahon

Still haunted by the death of her only brother, James, in the Great War, Evelyn Gifford is completely unprepared when a young nurse and her six-year-old son appear on the Giffords’ doorstep one night. The child, the nurse claims, is James’, conceived in a battlefield hospital. The grief-stricken Giffords take them both in; but Evelyn, a struggling attorney, must now support her entire family-at a time when work for women lawyers is almost nonexistent. Suddenly a new case falls in Evelyn’s lap: Seemingly hopeless, it’s been abandoned by her male coworkers. The accused-a veteran charged with murdering his young wife- is almost certain to die on the gallows. And yet, Evelyn believes he is truly innocent, just as she suspects there may be more to the story of her “nephew” than meets the eye. My thoughts – The Crimson Rooms is an exciting and thought provoking story of a woman struggling to change both herself and society, and all the while attempt to solve a gruesome murder my