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Showing posts with the label catty0807 nude

PNG Elections : Court to decide on Hagen Open Returning Officer's Appointment

The National Court in Waigani will make a ruling today on an application filed by the State to dismiss a second judicial review proceeding by the former Returning Officer for Hagen Open electorate, Willie Ropa. Mr. Ropa’s first judicial review proceeding filed on June 14th, 2022 was dismissed by the Court on July 4th, and the current proceeding was filed again on July 8th, through Henao Lawyers. The judicial review proceedings is in relation to the decision of the Electoral Commissioner made on June 2nd, where Mr. Ropa’s appointment as the Returning Officer for the Hagen Open electorate for the 2022 National Election, was revoked and Pius Nop was appointed. Submissions were made yesterday.  The Plaintiff claims that he was not given a Notice of the purported revocation, including reasons for the revocation, and this is in breach of his right to be heard.  Therefore, after being unsuccessful in his previous judicial review matter, he filed this current proceeding again to cha...

Caterpillar damage on Aeonium

Do you love Aeonium plants? Would you like them to not be eaten by caterpillars? UNlikely, but what can you do about it. In this video English horticulturist has found an infestation of caterpillars on one of their specimen Aeonium plants and discuss the various method of control that can be employed. These range from a live and let live philosophy to organic and inorganic management. If you like this kind of content the don’t forget that by subscribing to the Walking Talking Gardeners Youtube channel you will be notified of all future videos and it is a completely free service. Also we would love to hear from you so if you have anything you would like to ask us then please leave a message in the YouTube comments section. Oh and by the way, clicking the ‘LIKE’ button if you like any of our videos is also super helpful.

Tropical Gardens UK: 5 Mistakes to Avoid When Planting Exotic Sago Palm...

Sago Palms or Cycads – Cycas revoluta are a fantastic choice for the tropical effect, cold hardy, exotic garden. However there are a few mistakes you need to avoid when planting or potting them on. In this video English horticulturist Simon explains what you need to know to get the best performance out of this wonderful plant. One of the first things to know is that the Sago palm requires a slightly acidic compost, and that the compost itself need to be well draining as cycads can be susceptible to soil borne fungal infections. Most cycads are sold as either houseplants or kept under cover outside which means the foliage is grown fairly soft which can put this plant at risk when placed directly into a position that receives full sun. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is absolutely free to subscribe to and you can unsubscribe instantly at anytime. Don’t for get that you can click onto...