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Showing posts with the label laurentrinecamille

Review - Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie

Jennifer Crusie is one of my fave authors for romantic comedies with a core of reality. Maybe This Time (St. Martin’s Press, 352p, Isbn-0312303785) is a bit different as in there is a strong ghostly element to the story and there are 2 children who are central to the storyline, in addition to the protagonists. And in her own inimitable style, Crusie crafts a spooky tale that’s certain to hold readers spellbound. Read more »

Check out some of my new jokes

Oh hey hello, nice of you to stop on by my online web page. Looks like I got the courage to hop up on the stage again and tell some jokes to an audience full of people. Click below if you’d like to see how that went. At the beginning, there is a special treat for the thousands of loyal readers of this blog! The first joke I told was adapted from a recent blog post. So… that’s fun for everyone. In conclusion, wrapping things up, ending succinctly, I would just like to say thank you for reading this and please have a fine day today.