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ICAC launches Strategy to Combat Corruption in PNG

The Papua New Guinea (PNG) Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) launched its Anti-Corruption and Integrity Strategy 2023-2025 in Port Moresby this week. The two-year Strategy is a roadmap for combating corruption within ICAC. The document is an outcome of a Memorandum of Understanding between ICAC and its partner Transparency International signed in 2021. In a small but significant ceremony, the document was officially launched. According to ICAC Interim Chairman, Thomas Eluh, ICAC foresees that the threat of corruption is not only from the outside but also within, thus it is critically important for ICAC to ensure that they have systems and processes that can help them eradicate corruption. The document ties ICAC down to four key objectives. Mr. Eluh called for greater collaboration among its partners to fight corruption in the country collectively. Transparency International Chief Executive Officer, Arianne Kassman described the launch of the two-year strategy as a milest...


How to grow Malus ‘Red Sentinel’ LOOKING FOR RARE AND UNUSUAL SEEDS? THEN CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE RANGE IN OUR ETSY STORE Malus robusta ‘Red Sentinel’ is a hardy deciduous ornamental tree, valued for its attractive flowers and fruits. Growing to approximately 3-5 metres high and with a spread of 2.5-4 metres it has slightly arching branches with ovate, mid-green leaves. The single, white 2.5 cm wide blooms are produced in mid-May. Although attractive in its own right as a garden plant, Malus ‘Red Sentinel’ is also used as a pollinizer in commercial apple orchards. It is an excellent choice for exposed sites and being pollution tolerant makes it particularly suitable for urban areas. The most notable feature of Malus ‘Red Sentinel’ are its large crops of glossy, bright scarlet apple-like fruits which can persist on the tree until March. They being as yellow fruits blushed with red however this deepens as the year goes on turning to a da...