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PNG Elections : Chief Justice Disappointed over delay in NCD Polling

Papua New Guinea Chief Justice, Sir Gibbs Salika has expressed disappointment over the delay in polling for the National Capital District. Sir Gibbs says he has released judges, magistrates and the staff of the judicial services to take part in polling today. And, the delay has now caused inconveniences. Sir Gibbs said this after he turned up at the Electoral Commission’s headquarters in Port Moresby early this morning to confirm the delay in polling. He told journalists that he went to his scheduled voting location with his wife, but realized there was no voting. Sir Gibbs says despite the delay, it was the responsibility of the Electoral Commission to ensure elections run smoothly. The Chief Justice and his wife also took time to pray for a successful election. NBC News / PNG Today Next :  PNG Elections : NCD Polling Deferred to Friday 8th July


I entered Iceland pre-covid and pre being an actual vegan – I unfortunately ended up being just vegetarian in Iceland (which is not 1/2 vegan or almost vegan, vegetarian =/= vegan at all). This was mostly due to p!ss-poor planning on my part, but, to be fair to myself it really was harder to be vegan in Iceland back in 2016 than it was to be vegan in say  pork and sour cream lovin’ Hungary , adobo and lechon baboy Philippines  or even mozzarella and bolognese lovin’ Italy . I visited all four countries that year and Iceland was by far the hardest. First I’ll tell you why and then I’ll tell you how to (easily) be vegan in Iceland! 😀 How to Be Vegan in Iceland So whaling is on the way out (hopefully). Let’s get to it – how can you be vegan and live deliciously in Iceland? Luckily, you don’t go to Iceland for the cuisine, you go for sites like this: and this: and although here at VeganVsTravel we strive to give you authentic traditional food...