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Showing posts with the label imyujia onlyfan


Workers on an Indian tea plantation (probably wage labourers ), cheers for the photo, thanks to the creator   We’ve been thinking, drawing up plans, deliberating and discussing travel routes that would be best for eco travel (#nomoreflying), considering food cultures most welcoming towards plant-based people like us, and looking at social issues that we could report on as blogger-journalists… so here’s a list of vegan-friendly countries we haven’t been to yet (or have been to but we were not vegan at the time). #1. India As it is well-known, it is super-easy to be vegetarian in India: it has the largest number of vegetarians in the world, about 30% of the total population (according to a 2018 survey ), around 500 million people ( says a 2020 article). According to the previous source, only one percent of those 500 million Hindus ‘are strict vegans, so the total number of vegans in India is approx 5 million’. Not bad, eh? So hell yeah, India is our no...

Port Moresby Governor Parkop denies Allegations of Election bribery

National Capital District Governor, Powes Parkop, has denied allegations that he was carrying a substantial amount of money to buy votes on the eve of today’s polling in the nation’s Capital. Governor Parkop Mr Parkop was picked up by police yesterday evening at the 5 Mile roundabout when he was returning from Gereka after meeting with his campaign coordinators. Police found K25 000 in his car, and took him in for questioning at the Boroko Police Station for four hours, but later released him. Mr Parkop told reporters last night that he was not arrested but only asked to provide a statement of his routine of the day.  He says that these allegations by rival candidates in the 11th hour are a bad practice, and not befitting of a leader. Mr. Parkop said that the money will be used to pay for his 800 plus scrutineers. NBC / PNG Today Next :  SP PNG Hunters team for Round 14 match against Wynnum-Manly Seagulls

Nambawan Super Opens up Branch in Kuinga, Western Province

 Nambawan Super Limited (NSL) officially opened its Kiunga branch in North Fly District of Western Province yesterday (Wednesday 02 February 2023) The opening was witnessed by Mr Paul Sayer, Chief Executive Officer of NSL and NSL’s member representatives in Kiunga including nurses, police and teachers. The Kiunga branch, waa once established at the Post Office since 2012 and serving more than 5000 members has now been relocated to WP Construction Limited building in the center of Kiunga town as part of NSL’s continued focus on improving member access to superannuation services in rural centres around the country. CEO Mr Paul Sayer says this branch is now conveniently located within walking distance to local schools, government offices, key state institutions and several other businesses which employ many of NSL members in North Fly District. “The branch has also been upgraded to accommodate up to 10 members with three counters attended by our member service officers, o...