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Feature - Wendy Corsi Staub's Live to Tell (& a giveaway)

Author Wendy Corsi Staub is one busy gal! Last year, every single time I emailed her, she was either on her way to some event, or coming back from one. I honestly don’t know how she can write so prolifically as she does! Even this guest post today (see below) was written while on a flight back to JFK from a Caribbean vacation. Now that’s dedication! And that’s one of the reasons why she’s so wide read as she is. If you’re new to this author, then I must tell you that Wendy Corsi Staub is a New York Times bestseller with the suspense novels she writes under her own name, and a USA Today bestseller with women’s fiction she writes under her pseudonym Wendy Markham. Whether killing off suspects or romancing a bad boy, Wendy is equally adept at making the readers care and become so engrossed in her plots as to make them feel they’re actually there, experiencing it all. 2010 is shaping up to be an exciting year for her, with the launch of a brand new thriller trilogy from Harper’s AVON BO

Author Josi Kilpack stops by...

Today I’m happy to welcome Josi Kilpack who’s guest blogging here today. Josi is the author of fourteen novels, including Sheep’s Clothing, which won the 2007 Whitney Award for Mystery/Suspense, and Lemon Tart, a 2009 Whitney Award finalist. Pumpkin Roll is the sixth book in the popular Sadie Hoffmiller Culinary Mystery series. Read more »