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PNG PM Marape appeals for Citizens to take Voting Seriously as Campaign winds down

Prime Minister, James Marape, has appealed to Papua New Guineans to take voting seriously, as the country goes to the polls next Monday.  He said the call in Kavieng today as campaigning ends tomorrow. “As campaigns draw to a close across the nation, Mr Marape appealed for peace and reflection over the weekend, before voting starts on Monday. He urged people to pray for God’s inspiration on the election process and the best outcome for PNG. He says God sees right through all motives and the best team of leaders for the next five years will emerge from the campaign and voting. Mr Marape says leaders must be elected to fix those challenges because the bucks stop with leaders, especially the person who becomes the Prime Minister. He says challenges remaining in the country include rampant corruption in the public service, and lack of national development despite being a nation blessed with abundance of God-given resources.  Mr Marape says the importance of good leadership from 2022 going ...

IRC Receives PNGHRI 2022 best performing Public Sector Organization Award

The Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) received an award from the Papua New Guinea Human Resource Institute (PNGHRI) as one of the Best Performing Public Sector Organizations for 2022. The Governor-General, His Excellency Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae, presented the Award at the Crown Hotel, Port Moresby, today. In accepting the Award, Commissioner General Sam Koim thanked the Chairman and Council of PNGHRI for recognizing the progress made by IRC so far. He said, “I dedicate this Award to all the hardworking staff and management of the IRC who know more about tax than I do. I am just a figurehead of the organization of dynamic people.” “Unfortunately, there is no benchmarking in the public sector to measure our performances; maturity model where we will measure our progress towards it, so every agency is doing its own thing. But I accept PNHRI’s assessment of us because it is a non-government organization recognizing our efforts and encouraging us to be competitive....