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Showing posts with the label littlehobbit_666

Wendy Wax talks about Dangerous Reading Habits

Readers, please join me welcoming Wendy Wax, author of Magnolia Wednesdays (releasing today!) who’s guest blogging here today. A former broadcaster, Wendy lives in the Atlanta suburbs with her husband and two teenage sons, who have turned her into the shortest member of their family. She is the author of seven novels including 7 Days and 7 Nights , Leave It to Cleavage , Hostile Makeover , Single in Suburbia and The Accidental Bestseller . Her latest book – Magnolia Wednesdays – is a wonderfully entertaining book about what to do when life comes at you full swing. Synopsis : At forty-one, Vivian Armstrong Gray’s life as an investigative journalist is crumbling. Humiliated after taking a bullet in her backside during an exposé, Vivi learns that she’s pregnant, jobless, and very hormonal. This explains why she says ‘yes’ to a dreadful job covering suburban living back home in Georgia, a column she must write incognito. Down South, ...