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Showing posts with the label davlnaxx

Review - Colors By Thierry Laval

Chronicle Books, board book, 10p, ages Infant-3, Isbn-9780811879521 Children can’t get enough of color, but making them learn the names of these beloved colors is another task. Which is why I’m always happy to introduce my kid to the world of colors with simple, yet fun and informative books like this one. Read more »

Tropical Gardens UK: Top 5 Five Exotic Plants for March

The typica exotic garden has little to show in the spring so wee went to RHS Wisley garden to see what their top 5 five exotic plants would be in March. English Horticulturist Lorna investigated what is arguably one of the UK’s finest exotic gardens and deceided on her top 5 five exootic plants at this time of year. These included two palms, two conifers and an evergreen shrub, all of which stood out during this visit. If you would like to see more content like this then check out our other videos at out YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. It is free to subscribe and by clicking the notification bell you can be notified whenever a new video is published.