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Showing posts with the label hellraisingangel77

Kua calls for Electronic Voting System for PNG

The Member-elect for Sinasina-Yongomugl open electorate and Leader of the PNG National Party, Kerenga Kua says an electronic system of voting needs to be introduced in PNG. Kerenga Kua Mr Kua said this following his declaration this afternoon at the Dixon Field in Kundiawa. He says  the problems that are faced in the country with regards to polling, is due to the  type of voting system currently used, which is  the Limited Preferential Voting System. Mr Kua  also blamed  everyone who had been in power for the problems now faced. Mr Kua who has retained his seat for the third term in this election  polled 16, 341 votes. NBC / PNG Today  Next :  People will vote for Prime Minister , says PNG PM Marape

PNG Parliament Induction for New MPs gets underway

A week-long official induction for the newly-elected Members of Papua New Guinea Parliament for the 11th National Parliament is currently underway at the State Function room. From head-count, over 60 MPs are in attendance including Deputy Prime Minister John Rosso and Opposition leader Joseph Lelang and the two female MPs Rufina Peter and Kessy Sawang. PNG Parliament Induction for New MPs gets underway [NBC Photo] The purpose of the induction is to introduce to the new MPs about the Parliamentary Procedures and Standing Orders among others. Parliamentary Service staff are currently introducing their respective divisions and functions to the members.  The presentations include; Public Accounts Committee, Parliamentary Counsel, Parliamentary Committee, Inter Parliamentary Relations, Retirement Benefits Fund, Sergeant-At-Arms and Salaries and Remunerations among others. Second session of the induction program will commence after lunch which will see heads of key Government agencies delive...


Being vegan in Kenya is arguably one of the easiest places to be vegan in the world. The reason is twofold: 1) the abundance of fresh fruit and veg (duh) and 2) most everyday Kenyan meals are ‘accidentally’ vegan (accidentally here not because of animals rights, but rather because it’s cheaper than eating flesh and fluids). At least Kenyans know already that it’s not just possible, but healthy and delicious to be vegan! In this blog post we’re going to be exploring vegan dishes that you can find, finding out which foods grow, talking a little about vegan restaurants and vegan safaris 🙂  Let’s get started! Vegan Dishes In Kenya This includes Kenya’s national dish, Sukuma Wiki ! Seriously, how often have you travelled somewhere and found out their national dish is vegan? Because for me this is the first time lol. Here’s a short list: Sukuma Wiki: Kenya’s magical national dish – cook sukuma leaves (aka collard) with onion, tomat...

Deciding whether to Fly or Drive if you need to travel this year

We are rapidly approaching 2021’s fourth quarter. Traditionally, many individuals travel during the year’s last three months. Families like to get together during Thanksgiving and the Christmas and Hannukah holidays, and they’re coming up over the next few weeks. Last year saw significant travel declines during the fourth quarter. It’s not surprising since many individuals didn’t want to hit the road because of Covid-19 worries . Although the pandemic is still a reality this year, some families will want to travel and visit relatives when they were not willing to do so last year. If you’re going to visit relatives during these last few months of 2021, you might wonder whether flying or driving makes more sense for you. Let’s talk about some cons and pros of each of these options. Car and Truck Accident Possibilities If you’re planning on driving to visit relatives as the holidays approach, it can save you money, and that might be a huge determining factor for you. Some families have ha...