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What you should do if you have been in an accident with a truck

Any road accident is scary, but when it involves a truck, it is terrifying. Whether you are driving a truck yourself or you are in a car, the first steps you take after an accident are vital, and there is a lot to think about. You may need medical attention. And, if you weren’t at fault, then you will need to pursue legal action and fight for compensation; you should speak to a truck accident lawyer . It is essential that you stay at the scene of the crash, phone the emergency services if needed, check for injuries, document evidence, exchange information, and are cautious about what you say. Stay at the scene of the crash Leaving the incident could constitute a hit and run. Therefore, stay where you are until either emergency services have arrived or a pick-up truck. If you need urgent medical attention, then you should try not to move too much. Either way, you should leave the vehicle where it is so that authorities can get a clear idea of what happened. Call for help If a truck was

Author Jessica Dall

Today I’d like to welcome Author Jessica Dall to A Book Blogger’s Diary. A recent graduate of American University in Washington, DC, Jessica Dall enjoys producing works that are thought provoking and challenge traditional views. Her latest book, Grey Areas joins such previous works as The Me Culture, Gods Laugh, and One Man’s Heaven. Read more »