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Araucaria heterophylla and Araucaria bidwillii comparison

Hello and welcome to another episode of ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’. This is a short and sweet video to two wonderful trees we came across in at  Palheiro Gardens, Madeira. Both are from the same family as the popular Monkey puzzle tree, but both are surprisingly different in habit and structure. That being said all three species are capable to reaching huge size. If you would like to see more content like this then consider pressing like and subscribing for more videos.

Choosing a Corporate Video Agency To Promote Your Business

Commissioning a video agency to produce top quality content to portray your firm is a great plan. You can combine your knowledge of your firm, customers and market with the agency’s skills in turning that into engaging video is a perfect combination.  Well-produced video can achieve a variety of goals for your firm. Lead generation and new traffic to your website are the most obvious benefits you will get from a quality video production. But you can also use video to build brand awareness and brand values. The better the end product of your video, the longer its shelf life will be and the best return on investment you will achieve from it. Selecting your video production agency Having made your decision to go ahead and engage a video production company, it is worth spending some time on making the right selection. Just as you would spend time on hiring a new employee, it is important to treat the process for hiring a corporate video production company in the same way.  Look for an agen