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Orchid Cactus (Disocactus ackermannii) Winter Disaster

Oh my goodness, my orchid cacti have been absolutely fine wintering outside for the past 6 years, then this year they have been absolutely smashed!  If you didn’t know before, Orchid cactus – Disocactus ackermannii is an species of epiphytic cactus that occurs in the cloud forests of Veracruz and Oaxaca, in Mexico. It is a gorgeous, evergreen plant with an arching trailing habit and produces dark green, long, flattened leaves which are only 2-3 inches wide but up to 36 inches long! Usually tough as old boots I like to grow it outside hanging from my trees. This year however a polar vortex descended on the garden and stayed for a couple of weeks, just long enough to kill a lot of my ‘on-the-edge’ hardy plants. Even the back up plan cacti in the greenhouse were frozen to mush! Luckily it wasn’t a complete disaster as you will find out in this video.

How to Plant Giant Allium and Giant Ornamental Onion Bulbs

Giant Allium bulbs and their cultivars are a great way to add both colour and architectural effect to the garden. However they need to have a cold period to initiate flowering in the spring so planting them as fresh as you can find them and have them in the ground in both a timely fashion and during the right season is all important. So assuming your bulbs are as good a quality as you can find them then this video explains how to plant giant allium and giant ornamental onion bulbs in such a way that you can maintain those impressive flower heads year after year. If you would like to see more content like this then why no consider subscribing to our YouTube channel ‘Walking Talking Gardeners’.l It is absolutely free and you moving forward you can be notified of all our future videos assuming you have also clicked the bell button.