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2023 Joint Annual Work Plan of the United Nations in Papua New Guinea

The signing of the 2023 Joint Annual Work Plan for the United Nations (UN) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was held on Monday in Port Moresby.  Koney Samuel, Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring signed on behalf of the Government of PNG, while Richard S. Howard Jr, UN Resident Coordinator for PNG, signed for the UN.  Secretary Samuel acknowledged the long-standing relationship with the UN and extended the Government’s appreciation of the range of ongoing support to Papua New Guinea.  “UN plays a vital role in helping the Government of PNG to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), raise the standard of living and protect human rights for all Papua New Guineans,” Mr Samuel said.  Secretary Samuel said by 2025, PNG should have its second Voluntary National Review (VNR), where it will report to the UN on the country’s progress on implementing the SDGs. The SDGs have been incorporated into the Medium Term Development Plans of the country.  This year the UN w