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Ostensibly, Hungarian cuisine looks like it’s going to be a right nightmare for vegans – like hello this country seems to be in a gastronomic polyamorous marriage with pork (‘kolbász’, ‘szalonna’, ‘sertéspörkölt’, etc.) and sour cream (‘tejföl’). Fortunately, when you scratch the surface, you’ll uncover a vegan goldmine full of fresh, local fruit and veg; delicious, filling stews; and, of course, first-class wine. Thanks to the rona, a trip to Hungary might not be possible for you right now, neither will a list of  foods to try in Budapest . But, what you can (hopefully) do is take a trip to your kitchen. All the recipes below could be made by an idiot (I know because I’m an idiot and I’ve made them), so take your physical trip to the kitchen, and (with the help of a food high) take an imaginary trip to Hungary through your stomach. If you’re an actual real live Hungarian, but new to veganism, hopefully this blog post will surprise you! So without further ado, let us see what vegan Hu