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Election Results for Jiwaka Province 2022

Below are the progressive results for top five candidates for the Jiwaka Provincial and Opens Seats Updated : 5 /8/2022 JIWAKA REGIONAL Top five candidates Dr. William Tongamp PP : 29 422 Simon. T.Kaiwi IND : 28 908 Horim Piamia IND : 16 506 ————————————- JIMI OPEN Top five candidates MAI DOP PNC 5,037 FRANCIS KUNAI KINDE IND 4,128 WAKE GOI PP 3,672 KEVIN YEKERE KUMUNG APNG 2,492 FRED KANGE ALU IND 2,398 —————————- NORTH WAGHI OPEN Top five candidates (declared )   Benjamin Mul   IND  21, 561  (Declared winner )  Dr. Fabian Pok  URP  15, 614MOND PALME NA 5,812MALTS WAI PANGU 3,973PAUL HARE HANTS IND 3,239 ———————- ANGALIMP-SOUTH WAGHI OPEN Top five candidates (Declared) RUMAN JOE K KULI URP 45,352 (Declared ) JOHN KEROWA IND 6,577 MOLKA GIBSON KUM PNC 6,118 PAUL ANDAKU IND 5,325 PAUL KES KARAP IN...

ABG President Issues Warning to people Trying to destabilize Panguna Mine legacy Impact Assessment

By Angeline Karius, in Buka, ARoB – FM 100  The ABG President Ishmael Toroama has issued a warning to people seeking to destabilize the Panguna Legacy Impact Assessment that is ongoing within areas affected by the now defunct Panguna Mine.  Several parties are seeking legal action against Rio Tinto for their role in developing the Panguna Mine and the effects it has had on the environment and the communities around the mine.  The Panguna Legacy Impact Assessment is being funded by Rio Tinto through Tera Tech Coffey who is conducting the assessment.  This will be the first time Rio Tinto has made any commitment to Bougainville since the cessation of mining operations in Panguna, Central Bougainville.  According to President Toroama, the assessment took a lot of hard work and time to get Rio Tinto to at least take responsibility for its actions in developing the Panguna Mine and the effects of it that continues to the present.  “These people are opportunists who saw no reason for a ...