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Showing posts with the label ruangkaw vk

Author Benjamin Kane Ethridge & a Kindle Fire Giveaway

Today I’m happy to welcome Benjamin Kane Ethridge , the Bram Stoker Award winning author of BLACK & ORANGE (Bad Moon Books, 2010), who’s guest blogging here today. {scroll down for the giveaway} In his latest book, BOTTLED ABYSS,   Herman and Janet Erikson are going through a crisis of grief and suffering after losing their daughter in a hit and run. They’ve given up on each other. One afternoon their dog goes missing in the coyote-infested badlands behind their property. Herman goes to find the dog, completely unaware he’s on a hike to the River Styx, the border between the Living world and the world of the dead. What Herman discovers about the dark power contained in those waters will change his and Janet’s lives forever… ———————————————————————————————————...

How to Find the Billigste Forbrukslån

There is certainly something to be said about the art of saving money.  It’s undeniable that a lot of us like to find good deals.  It can even be addictive, to some extent – if you’ve ever heard the stories about extreme coupon users, that’s one example of this desire spiraling out of control. Don’t worry, though.  Just because you enjoy saving some cash doesn’t mean things will get crazy.  In fact, it’s a good thing for most of us.  We should always try to find the cheapest options, especially when it comes to something like borrowing money. In this sense, it’s best to find the best APR.  This is a combination of any fees that are associated with a loan and the interest rate on it.  If we find a low annual percentage rate, we are saving money in the long-term.  Sure, we still must make repayments on the borrowed money, but less interest means less cash spent in this period. To some of you, this sounds like obvious stuff.  I mean, of course we want to find the best rates.  However, for...