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How do you start a ‘Mother of Thousands’ baby? LOOKING FOR MOTHER OF MILLIONS AND THOUSANDS PUPS? THEN CLICK HERE TO FIND THE SPECIES AVAILABLE AT THE ‘SEEDS OF EADEN’ SEED SHOP  The ‘Mother of Thousands’ ornamental plant, as well as  the ‘Mother of Millions’, are amongst several species within the Bryophyllum (previously known as Kalanchoe) genus known for their ability to produce baby plants known as ‘Pups’ along the edge of their leaves. Although not unique, it is because of the Bryophyllum’s unusual ornamental quality that many gardeners are tempted to try and propagate these pups in order to produce new plants. So how do you start a ‘Mother of Thousands’ baby? Mother of Thousands pups growing on soil surfaceYou will be pleased to know that it is surprising simple, in fact just allowing a pup to land on some damp compost is enough for one to take root and establish itself as a mature specimen, however this can take several weeks. This process can easily be sped up with a few approp